End Times
I ponder what deviant agendas the end times will bring What Draconian ideologies will become king?
It appears the reviled usurpers of the powers that be Have declared themselves superior and the supreme appointees
In the world of ponerology, the genesis of evil control This is the evil our wisdom teachers all prophetically foretold
Oppressive regimes spinning "mythical technological error" Laughing as they fill our hearts and souls with their imposing terror
Setting up the problem and then offering the solution Blocking human progress like a coronary artery occlusion
Trained in masterful scripting carefully worded to scare While we feed on GMO junk, pharmaceuticals and "health care"
Wars, disease, disasters and impending economic demise Our insane depressing lows become the elites new demonic highs
Electronic controls that concoct "illogical states of turmoil" As we're buried like "franken" seeds beneath poisoned topsoil
Sprayed with chemicals to ensure we never take root Or interfere with the never ending pillaging of their worshiped loot
We're desperate to feel the love that, alas, will never grow We now writhe in disease and "brain dead" becomes our "status quo"
Trillions of our dollars go missing and illegally taken Confusing our minds making us think, "we must be mistaken"
Funds secretly appropriated on agendas we know nothing about Very expertly planned so we can't ever question or figure it out
In a world where money makes everything better for some "Please mister, can we just have one bloody little damn crumb"?
Our hard earned "worthless" currencies are blatantly curtailed To bail out big fat corporations "too big to fail"
Well-funded collusions of lies brought to a rolling boil As the greedy extort their prosperity from our toil
The sorcerer's cauldrons are stirred with drunken power As devils dress up for a never-ending "happy hour"
Illegitimate actors paid to deliver the expert confusions Playing out controversies in a parade of secret irrational illusions
Convoluted regulations are chosen to keep us confined Delivering shock waves designed to completely "blow our minds"
Masters of everything while really masters of nothing The depths of their darkness is deeply disturbing
The backdrop of our existence is the "smoke and mirror" shows Humanity lives estranged lives and this is sadly how it goes
Keep seeking truth and be very vigilant Diabolical minds have sights set on imprisonment
Watch with caution for any "signs and wonders" Because the great deceivers and false flags will take you right under
Maniacal stories replete with criminals that contribute To confuse everyone further, there are "puppets" that pay tribute
Those so totally ignorant while they dutifully cast stones from without Do what their told and have no clue what it's really all about Our "enlightened" teachers follow a labyrinth of made up regulations Proliferating "facts" while faking research and investigations
Insane rules dictated by the pathological control freaks and fools Where everyone is "dumbed down" in a maze of "mass managed" schools
Tests that regurgitate curriculums become "hallmarks" of intelligence Therefore making the lies and deceptions seem credulous
Everything you think you know and have learned Were contrived and fabricated and totally unconfirmed
Carefully designed to enforce absolute control We're prisoners here and no one's getting a parole
Wisdom and knowledge have been purposely buried deep So we walk around in ignorance and reek like a garbage heap
The "end game" is to "divide and conquer" with confusion From the secret authors of deception, hate and allusion
Rabbit holes lead to same "matrix" dead ends Where you don't even know your enemies from your friends
The colored "pills of change" will only harm us Check out, observe, contemplate and remain anonymous
Watch! In these "end times", we're not going through some little "bad patch"
No! Their assembling weapons and will eagerly kill to add another "notch"
Stay diligent and on guard and question everything In these end times its FAITH, HOPE and LOVE you must cling!
Please! We must eliminate the disease To survive and thrive . . . not be buried alive!
We have to arise from our slumber and wake up Celebrate and take our turn drinking from the "loving cup"!
When the demonic forces come to an end like the tragedies of Aeschylus It's our love for each other that will be triumphant and ubiquitous
Stay strong because love can conquer - it is love we have to release! So, to all, I can only think of one word to end and that is Peace!
© J. Anjoun /May 2015